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Make Women Chase You

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Jake Vandenhoff
Most men shoot themselves in the foot by pursuing women aggressively a.k.a. "chasing" them. Not only does this behavior turn a woman off, but it completely destroys any possibility that the woman will chase you.

In any relationship, at the beginning, one party is going to be more interested than the other. As a guy, it's always better for you if the girl is more interested in you than you are in her. Here's how to make sure that women chase you rather than vice-versa:

1. Go slow at first

When you first start dating, or even just talking to a woman you're interested in, you want to take it really slow. Don't be all up in her business 24/7 asking her to hang-out, texting her, bringing her little presents or whatever. Instead, act casual. Don't treat her like you think she's a big deal. Act like she's just some girl you know.

2. Give her space

If you meet a woman at a bar, don't suffocate her with your attention. The mistake most guys make is that when they find a girl who is willing to talk to them, they stick on her like a piece of lint from that moment on. They stay by her all night, they ignore everybody else, and they basically act like she is the focal point of their entire universe, bad, bad, bad!

Instead, talk to her for a minute and then turn to your friend or the guy next to you at the bar and start talking to them, or go take a leak, or whatever and then go back to the girl. This way she'll be thinking "hmmm? I wonder if he's going to come back?" The same thing goes when you've just started dating a woman. Keep doing the stuff you were doing before you met her, like going out with your friends... Don't try to see her everyday.

3. Date other girls

When you're dating new women all the time, you send out a totally different vibe than a guy who doesn't date much. You'll seem relaxed and content, not anxious and horny like some guy who hasn't gotten laid in 10 years.

Also, a woman is way more likely to chase you if she thinks you date a lot. If she thinks you're all hers, she'll wait for you to call her. If she thinks she has competition she'll be thinking, "What is he doing right now? I hope he's not with that blonde he was talking to... Dammit I should give him a call!"

Of course you shouldn't mention the other girls you are dating, just act like it's assumed. You don't even need to be dating anyone else for this to work, just act like you are try to develop an abundance mindset towards dating.

While dating multiple girls is easier said than done, once you have three or four girls you are seeing, new ones will just seek you out and start chasing you because you are putting out this crazy stud vibe that women can't resist.

Jake Vandenhoff

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