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Our international dating service is for singles seeking for friendship, romance, dating, long-term relations and international marriage.
I love you

Ya tebyA lyublyU

I love you (alternate method)

Ya La-blue Tib-ya

I can't live without you Ne magU zhIt' bes tebyA

I need you Ti nuzhnA mne

I need you so much Ti Ochen' nuzhnA mne

I need you more and more Ti nuzhnA mne vsyO bOl'she i bOl'she

I wish you were mine HachU, chtOby ty bylA moyEy

I love you with all my heart, with all my soul LyublyU tebyA vsem sErtsem, vsEy dushOyu

There's no borders for my love MoyA lyubOv' ne znAyet granIts

Love came to my heart LyubOv' vashlA v moyO sErtse

I fly to you on wings of love LechU k tebE na krYlyah lyubvI

Love overcomes everything LyubOv' vsyO preodolEyet

There's no obstacles for our love DlyA nAshey lyubvI net pregrAd

I fell in love with you from the first sight Ya palyubIl tebyA s pErvava vzglyAda

I knew I would find you Ya znal, chto naydU tebyA

Come to me, my love LyubOv' moyA, pridI ka mnE

Love in my heart is forever LyubOv' navEki v sErtse moyOm

My love is stronger day by day MoyA lyubOv' rastyOt den' Oto dnyA

All ages are dutiful to love LyubvI vse vOzrasty pakOrny

I can't live without your love mne ne zhIt' Bez tvayEy lyubvI

I am getting bad without your love Mne plOho bez tvayEy lyubvI

I am full of love to you Ya pOlon lyubvI k tebE

My heart is full of love MoyO sErtse palnO lyubvI

Give me your love PadarI mne svayU lyubOv'

I give you all my love Ya daryU tebE svayU lyubOv'

With love S lyubOv'yu

All I need is your love VsyO, chto mne Uzhno - Eto tvouA lyubOv'

There's no happiness without your love Bez tvayEy lyubvI mne schAst'ya net

I will always love you Ya bUdu vsegdA lyubIt' tebyA

Let's keep our love forever DavAy sberezhOm nAshu lyubOv' navEki

I'm ready to cry about my love to you for whole world O svAyEy lyubvI yA gatOv prakrichAt' na ves' mir

I want you to know - there's love in my heart Ya hochU, chtOby ty znAla - v moyOm sErtse yEst' lyubOv'

My love is like a bird that is ready to zoom up to the sky Moya lyubOv' slOvno ptItsa, katOraya gotOva vzvIt'sya vvyshinU

Our love won't disappear with years NAsha lyubOv' ne prayduOt s gadAmi

I am proud with our love YA garzhUs' tvoyEy lyubOv'yu

I am ready to write legends about my love O svoyEy lyubvI yA gotOv slagAt' legEndy
Our international dating service is for singles seeking for friendship, romance, dating, long-term relations and international marriage.

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